The first speaker was Col. SKM Rao, CEO, Jupiter Hospital, Baner. He spoke about the basic concepts of finance like profit and loss accounts, break even sales, break-even point etc. it provided us with an insight into the world of finance. Next we had Abhijit Dhumal and Mr.Avinash, customer care manager, Colombia Asia hospital, Pune. The session with them was exhilarating as they told us about the various procedures in billing and accounting of a patient when admitted in the hospital. They also spoke about the different packages that are designed for individual patients and executive packages. They shared some real- life situations where several issues regarding payment were of grave concern to the patient. The final speaker was Mr. Sunil Verma, Assistant Professor, AFMC, Pune. He spoke about the entire budget planning and how funds are raised in the public sector. His lecture changed our perception about the entire public sector.
All in all, the entire workshop was extremely educative and helped us to gain more information about the various aspects of finance and how is it dealt in the hospital. Such workshops always give us an opportunity to learn more about the industry and promote newer skills within us.
Submitted by-
Anuradha Banerjee
Batch 2017-19
As students we are always taught that “sky is the limit”. Symbiosis provides us with a platform to reach new heights. Keeping into mind the growth and development of an individual as a whole, SIHS conducted a workshop on 19th January 2018 on hospital financial planning. There was an array of speakers from renowned hospitals who enlightened us with various aspects of the finance in a hospital.
Submitted by-
Anuradha Banerjee
Batch 2017-19